Dancing. Passion. Passion for dancing.
Passion for music
We cannot separate music from dancing: this is what I and not only I think.
For years in a Centre which was all mine I have taught many people standard dancing, Latin American dancing, ballroom and unified dancing.
The people I taught belonged to different generations: small children, older children, young people, adults and old people.
The result has always been the same: the great satisfaction of seeing people which initially came nearly always and apparently against their will and/or without enthusiasm, achieving significant results and becoming so fascinated by dancing that no one could have ever imagined it.
As I managed to transfer this passion to others, another teacher reinforced and cultivated the passion I already had: an important teacher in the Italian scenery for dancing: Piero Rolando.

Piero Rolando developed dancing in Italy in the 1960s.
My debt towards him is enormous.

Piero Rolando - 1992

In issue number 1 - year V - jan/feb 1997 of periodical review " LA DANZA" ( ballroom dance ) by " ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE MAESTRI DI BALLO " ( ANMB ) I published the following leading article ' in memoriam' :

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